Plaque builds up throughout the day and if not removed can lead to inflammation and bleeding of the gums which is also known as Gingivitis.
Gingivitis can be reversed if the plaque is removed and a good daily Oral Hygiene Regime is followed.
If not improved the inflammation can progress and affect the tissues that hold your teeth in place causing the teeth to become painful and loose, this is known as Periodontitis and needs professional treatment to stop it progressing.
The main risk factors for Gum Disease are smoking, poor oral hygiene, stress, medication & diabetes.
Bacteria on the teeth produce acids in the presence of sugar causing demineralisation of hard tooth tissue that can lead to holes in your teeth.
These holes can lead to further build up of food and plaque causing the teeth to become painful and can cause a dental infection.
Not only does smoking leave unsightly marks on your teeth it greatly increases your chances of getting gum disease and mouth cancer.
‘If in doubt, get checked out’. The 5 year survival rate of mouth cancer is 50%, if diagnosed early it can increase up to 95%.
The biggest risk factors of mouth cancer are alcohol and smoking.
We always encourage our patients to spend time at least once a month to look around their entire mouth in a mirror with good lighting to check for any red or white marks that aren’t normally there. If anything persists for more than 3 weeks we encourage you to have it checked by your dental or medical practitioner.
Fillings are used to seal holes left by dental decay or accidental damage. Fillings can be placed to blend in with the natural colour of teeth using special composite materials. They bond to the tooth surface so are strong and secure while looking very natural.
Wisdom teeth or 3rd molars typically erupt between the ages of 18-25. Not all wisdom teeth give people a problem and often can be treated like normal. Sometimes there isn’t enough room for them to erupt fully or they grow at an odd angle and can be troublesome. The most important thing is that they are looked after as well as possible to reduce the chances of them causing a problem in future. If you have a question or problem with a wisdom tooth the best thing to do is to make an appointment with your dental practitioner.
There are 4 options to treat any space in the mouth – denture, bridge, implant or leave the space alone. Each of the options has its pros and cons. Before having a tooth taken out it’s best to discuss the options that best suit you with your dental practitioner.
A missing tooth can be unsightly, not only that it can cause the teeth either side to drift or the tooth opposite it to over erupt.
At Parklands Dental Care we use precise anaesthetic techniques to ensure that having a tooth removed is as comfortable as possible.
Here are a few instructions to help look after your mouth after having a tooth removed:
The following day, rinse with HOT SALT WATER every 3-4 hours for at least 5 days.
Expect some swelling, stiffness or discomfort. If bleeding starts, dampen a piece of gauze and apply with pressure to the socket for 30 minutes
If you are worried for any reason please don’t hesitate to telephone the Practice.